Lunch at Mo’s Grill in Oistins

picture of Mo's Grill

While in quarantine, the ladies and I decided to stay in touch after we dispersed. Great idea! They are helpful to me, letting me know if I had any questions or needed any assistance with anything, they were a phone call away. After all, they knew Barbados and I knew nothing.

So we kept in touch. It was primarily so we could setup a lunch date soon after leaving quarantine. One of the ladies was headed back to England in a short while and we needed to get together before she left. 

Long story short, we met up one rainy Saturday in Oistins on Christ Church parish. The area we met in was the very popular tourist areas that contains an assortment of rum shops, bars, food vendors, and shops. And it sits right on the coastline. I loved it!! 

Mo's off in the distance.

I was adamant about having some authentic bajan food. The ladies and Mo’s did not disappoint. I’ll just get right to it. The menu had an assortment of fish dishes with sides, dessert, and salads. (I wish I had taken a picture of the menu.) There was marlin, dolphin, swordfish, salmon, shrimp and maybe something I’m forgetting. Now, what you don’t know is that I’m very picky when it comes to my fish. Yes, they might all taste good. But how it’s prepared and how it looks is important to me. I usually stick to non-fishy fish like cod and whitefish. The selections made me laugh. I was frozen because I didn’t see my favorites on the menu. No perch, no catfish, no cod. But I jumped right in when it was time to order. I went with the swordfish meal. I tasted swordfish once while vacationing in Maui. I felt that was the safe route. Along with the swordfish came some other unknowns to me. Breadfruit fries and macaroni pie. Throw in some cole slaw and a tossed salad and I was ready. 

swordfish meal
Swordfish, breadfruit fries, macaroni pie, cole slaw, and tossed salad.

The swordfish was perfectly tender and seasoned well. It almost looked and had the texture of a pork chop. Honestly, I couldn’t tell that it was fish. It was about 3 huge pieces of it. The breadfruit was new to me. It’s like a potato but not. I still haven’t seen one whole. But I liked it. Somebody say fry, I went full ketchup mode and went for broke. The macaroni pie was…I’m still trying to figure out if it was really mac and cheese. Nonetheless, it was delicious. It had this seasoning in it and a tiny bit of spice. I couldn’t stop eating it. It was baked with a topping like cheese. I’m definitely going to go back and have it again and this time ask more questions. Now the coleslaw, I was praying the slaw was good. After being traumatized by that stuff they served us in quarantine that they called coleslaw, I was scared. I can’t lie. I looked at it for a second. It looked good. I prepared to take a small fork full. I put a little tiny bit in my mouth. Oh man!! What a pleasant surprise. It was sooooo good.

My entire plate was delicious. Throw in a local beer and I was happy happy. I had enough food left over to take home with me. All for $35 BDS. Would I eat at Mo’s again? Of course I would. Perhaps after I try some of the dishes from other local spots in Oistins. If you’re in Oistins, I recommend you try this place. 

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