And then there was Andrew

Meet Andrew. Nurse by trade. Seaport taxi driver. Father of two. Native Barbadian with time spent in England. And now someone special in my world. One day in my 2nd week on the island, I was in Oistins, dressed casually in a long dress, ugly sandals, a hat on, and my Canon around my neck. I was minding my own business wandering around taking photos. I’m walking about and someone bumped into me and I thought I heard someone say to me, “America?” as if they knew I was from American and was asking to confirm. I turned around and said, “huh?” It was Andrew. 

I don’t know if this is the case for all Bajan men, but Andrew has not missed a beat. We’ve only known each other a couple of weeks as I type this post, but it feels like we’ve known each other for years. I had no idea when we bumped into each other that day in Oistins that we would be inseparable. What I enjoy most is his spontaneous field trips…a new restaurant, a cliff with a beautiful view of the ocean, a walk on a new beach. Of course, it’s all new to me which I why I enjoy the field trips so much. He makes sure I have a smile on my face and always shows me something different. I appreciate that about him. 

He shares all his knowledge of the island with me. I love the fresh picked produce he brings me. Guava, plantain, turmeric, ginger, lemongrass, thyme, the list goes on and on. As I type this, we have spend the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday together. It was his first one. I made a big dinner and it was just us two for the whole day. I will say that Andrew does things for me that no other man has ever done and treats me in a way that no man ever has. I thank him for that and makes sure he knows how much I appreciate his kindness and thoughtfulness. 

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It’s because of him that I saw Crane Beach (he surprised me), Shark’s Hole, Long Bay, Martin’s Bay, and the beautiful east coast view in St. Joseph. Our journey continues. Be sure to stay tuned to see what new and exciting places he whisk me off to next. He’s full of surprises. Until later…

Like I said...full of surprises

During this upcoming holiday season, both Andrew and I have been super busy with work. I’m working long hours, he’s headed in early. It barely leaves time for island shenanigans. We did manage to squeeze in time one Sunday to visit Long Bay. We grabbed some takeout from the deli at the grocery store in Emerald City. Baked barbecue chicken, steamed veggies and rice and peas. Of course we had to have somewhere nice with a view to enjoy our food. He took us to Long Bay Beach. As you can see from the pictures, I had a blast. We had a couple of visitors that literally must’ve smelled our food as we were pulling up. It was a nice quiet spot. We were shaded by trees so that was good. My favorite part was the tree house looking spot. It definitely brought out my inner kid. 

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