Fresh Water Springs

spring water ppol

Note: This post is not inclusive of all Barbados fresh water springs. I’ve only visited three. 

One of the things I love about the island are the fresh water springs. You wouldn’t really know they exists if someone familiar didn’t mention it. Of course, my spring encounters have all been courtesy of Andrew, my personal tour guide. He wanted to take me to the spring when he learned I was suffering from hair loss. I think he figured the fresh water would provide needed nutrients to my scalp and hair. I was just excited that he wanted to wash my hair. Forget everything else. 

Fun fact: Barbados is an island made of coral rock and water passes through to get filtered. Somehow (I’m no expert) it ends up above ground, fresh and soothing. The first spring Andrew took me to was Pothouse Spring located around Bath Beach, St. John Parish. It sits back in the bush and is more like a running bath tub as the fresh water pours out into a large square basin. Nonetheless, it’s beautiful. If you get there early in the morning, you can have the spring to yourself for a few minutes. While we were there, Andrew creamed up some cactus, aloe, and hibiscus and gave us both a good hair washing. It was so nice and different. 

Pothouse Spring Sign

My favorite spring so far is the Three Houses Spring pool. It’s so cool and refreshing and deep enough to sit in. There are some small fish that swim in the narrow end of the spring. It was surreal to see an algae eater in it’s natural habitat. Across the street sits Three Houses Park full of mahogany trees. And of course, I had a good hair washing too. I tried to upload a picture of Andrew and I with lather in our hair but my photos were acting stupid so I abandoned that thought. 

I also visited another spring with a nice little water fall in the Bath Beach area. No photos of that shown. But trust me, it’s beautiful. The pictures down below are of a small little spring at Codrington College. There is a pond there with koi fish that’s very peaceful to sit and look at. I definitely recommend giving that try. All on the east coast. There is more to see. Peace and Love

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