Memorial Day at the Animal Flower Cave – St. Lucy, Barbados

Memorial Day 2021 – I have no family on the island (except my other Welcome Stampers), I have no barbecue. But one thing I do have is a day off. I figured it would be a perfect day to catch 3 buses to the Northern-most tip of Barbados to take in the popular Animal Flower Cave. It really does sit on the Northern tip of the island. The area is laid with a beautiful view as you stand on the cliff’s edge, watching the North shores crash against the rock. I especially love that you can sit atop the cliff and just be. 

I found it interesting that there was only a handful of visitors to the Cave, maybe 5 total. The onsite restaurant was closed (bummer). There were other external food spots on-site but those were closed to. I guess everyone got the memo except me. This made my experience a tiny bit less enjoyable. When you get up early, catch 3 buses, and plan to spend the whole day, you kinda want to eat. 

In addition to the restaurant, there is a playground for the kids and a couple of vendors were set up as well. 

Heading down into the cave were steep stairs and if you’re tall, watch your head. Once inside, it’s some of the most beautiful rock. Of course, the bajans have identified shapes formed in the rock. The hand, the lizard, and some other things. I’ll be honest. The only shape I saw was the hand as you can clearly see from my picture. 

The colors of the cave rocks were beautiful, soft colors. I loved how it wasn’t just one big underwhelming cave room. More like an underground house with many rooms. Some rooms had water and some didn’t. I especially loved the water inside the cave. 

I know what you’re asking. Did I go into the cave alone. Of course not, there is a tour guide that accompanies you on the adventure. It’s definitely good to wear shoes while down there also. It’s very rocky and slippery. The best part of the adventure for me was swimming in the cave pool. It’s so cool and refreshing. The pool gets pretty deep. Keep that in mind. 

Aside from the fact that I had to cut my visit short due to being hungry, I had a great time. I can’t wait to go back and experience it again. Animal Flower Cave, Barbados. 

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